Author, Editor, Adventurer & Coffee Drinker

Rik Simpson at work 2
rik simpson autograph small

Author, Editor, Adventurer & Coffee Drinker

Rik Simpson at work 2

About me

I spent many years in the military, with my formative years as a “Bereted Chook” in special forces. However these days I work in a different government agency as part of a team defending against cyber attacks that threaten the very core of society. Melodramatic?  Yeah maybe; but I am a writer. Seriously though, the cyber threat is growing. The majority internet users are just not aware of the threat lurking in the shadows. Maybe that will be the theme of one of my future blogs.

Over the years I contributed articles to a number of local community newsletters and was a sub-editor for a community water sports club newsletter―no rude comments thanks. Currently, I am the editor of a major military magazine with a readership that covers Australia, the UK, and South East Asia.

Now to story telling, one of my big passions in life. Creating a story, giving the characters life, is a wondrous journey for me. Sometimes I can draw upon my life experiences and weave them into my stories to add a flavor of reality to the adventures within, giving credence to what is “mostly” a fictitious tale.

Druid’s Apocalypse: Satan’s Nemesis is my first foray into a full-length novel. Thus far my efforts have been enthusiastically praised, although one reader had the temerity to criticize the first chapter. She thought it was perhaps a bit slow? However she did assert that the rest of my book was a great read. Of course I welcomed her criticism {yeah I did!!} and have learned from it. I know every time I reread a couple of pages to verify something I have written, I feel I could have phrased it differently, or added to it, or changed the context; but you feel the same way when you design your own house, it’s human nature.

To give you a taste of my writing style, here is the link to the first chapter. Once you read that you will know whether or not it is for you.

Druid’s Apocalypse – Chapter 1

Now is the time for me to fill the page, but I need a coffee first!!

rick simpson autograph 4

A saga of reluctant heroes battling the Forces of Sheol to foil Lucifer subjugating the world and changing the prophesies in the Book of Revelations. 

Druids Apocalypse

The last of his kind, he seeks an acolyte to start anew the sect that was once the most powerful religious group on Earth.

Druids Apocalypse