And the “Crap Doth Flow” – An epic day at the keyboard
Up at Oh dark hundred after having gone to bed too early. My biorhythm, early to bed, early to rise. I do my best work in the morning, which is perfect because today I can feel an epic page coming on. But before I start…. What? Of course I can start a sentence with a conjunction. Wait, already I’m off on a tangent and I haven’t even put one word towards my epic page.
OK, back on track, the next epic page of my story. But before I start……I’ll need a coffee, the dog needs biscuits, the fish some flakes, and the chooks some pellets.
Domestic chores done, back to my epic page…….after I check my email, just in case there is something useful for the development of this epic page; oh, and software updates. You never know what nasty is out there waiting to steal my manuscript.
All safe, now what was that word that popped into my head that could be useful on this epic page? I’ll google it.
And so it goes; a routine that is not a routine, but it seems to happen all too routinely. 🙂 Fortunately, I guess and I hope I have adopted the wise words from Louis L’Amour:
“Start writing, no matter what. The water does not flow until the faucet is turned on.”
So, I write and “the crap doth flow” (Pardon my French. And before you get all PC on me, I have French blood in me.) Back to what I was saying, as most writers know, it as far easier to edit a “page full of crap” than an empty page. And from that page full of crap there will be words, sentences and paragraphs worth saving, that will fertilize the ideas in your mind, that may even grow to be that epic page.
It has happened to me, and it can happen for you (my opinion). JUST WRITE CRAP if you must and, “the water will flow”. (I wonder if that is what happened in Frank Herbert’s Dune series?)
Good luck with your writing. 😉