Don’t miss my next book
Yes I am working on my next book. BUT….I feel cold. I’m surrounded by drafts. Alright, bad joke you’ve heard before. BUT (there’s that “but” again), I am surrounded by drafts of story outlines which I hope to finish. I know some I will finish, unless I get hit by the proverbial truck tomorrow; ah but tomorrow never comes, so I’m safe.
I am currently working on a spin-off of Druid’s Apocalypse now, however I am tempted to take up the draft I have which loosely revolves around the fabled Lasseter’s Reef in Central Australia. I have another in which the plot and story line are well developed, based on a scientific medical team that enters illegally into cloning experiments, and of course, plans go awry, evil comes to the surface and all “hell” breaks loose.
As I remarked in my introduction, what I like about story writing is you never know where it will lead you. What I plan, and what transpires as I journey towards “The End”, is never as anticipated. The surprises, the emotion, the satisfaction I feel that I contributed to “this” story, is my reward for the many hours sweating blood over a keyboard.
Robert Frost put it succinctly. “No tears in the writer, no tears in the reader. No surprise in the writer, no surprise in the reader.”